
Are you an Earthquake Zone?

Today, as part of the Skanda Sashti Brahmotsavam, the festival celebrated for Skanda-Subrahmanya, Dakshinadhipati, God of Southern India; the 5th day, Skanda is gracing us with his two consorts Valli and Devasena on the Swarna Mayura Vahana, the Golden Peacock Vahana, …..He is gracing us. Tomorrow, He will be killing all the demons; the sura samhaara will happen! Today, 21st batch of Inner Awakening, seventh day. Today, we will begin working on Completion with others, which is very, very, very important. Please understand, Completion with yourself is the first step. But the Completion with yourself will be Complete only when you start Completing with others! Then we will have Avahanti Homa for Completion process. And, Today I wanted to expand on.….. Truths related to Completion! Please understand, for a building to be stable, the ground should be stable. If there is a constant earthquake, can you build a building or maintain a building? No! Each anxiety attack you go through, each p...

Antigua - God's City of Earthquakes

Here I am overlooking the old capital of Antigua, it's not actually the first capital of Guatemala in fact It is generally considered to be the third. The first was a capital that was used by the natives that the Conquistadors had to overcome and then the cockiest adores made their first papal Well from the distance there is just beyond see the big red square building where there's an orange roof and a white horizontal stripe well That's where the first capital was made and it was there for about twenty years until it rained for three days This was a bit of a disaster because on the huge slopes of that massive volcano over there Looking - over looking the town That's known in the local languages as Hunahpú Mudslides formed. They came crashing down the sides and they completely demolished the old capital Killing in the process the governess. The wife of the conquistador who had been governess for just three days So they decided that that was too dangerously close to t...

Did God Cause the Tsunami & Earthquake in Japan?

As the apostle says, “because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man” (Romans 5:17) Death was never the norm. It was never original sown in the fabric of man. Death shouts to us that “Something is horribly wrong!” Wars, rumors of wars, life-taking earthquakes, and tsunamis, and Alzheimer's disease. They all stare in the face at us every day and they just cry out, “Sin and death! Sin and death! Sin and death!” (P) I want to you to notice something with me, notice very carefully. If you’re in Luke 21, look with me, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.”- Luke 21:10-11. Make sure you don’t miss that last part, “great signs from heaven.” Jesus calls all these things, signs, these terrors, the terror of death, the terror of destruction, the terror of war, the terror of disease and pestilence. He calls t...

Christchurch: Mental Illness after an Earthquake

I’m too scared of bunk beds ‘cause it’s wobbly. I guess it was pretty traumatic for a three and a half year old to see her entire house falling inside. What does the wobbly remind you of? The shake shakes. You avoid a whole lot of stuff, you’re not yourself, you’re aware of it but part of you doesn’t want to know. I never actually thought of myself as having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but then it’s really hard to think about who was I, what was I, what was life prior to the earthquakes? [Narrator] Babette Rothschild has spent her career counselling people who have experienced major trauma. Often PTSD develops well after an event. Babette's been watching news coverage of the Christchurch earthquake, aware that the city will be reaching a new crisis. PTSD doesn’t have a timeline, people can suffer from it for a year or two or for a lifetime, especially if they’re not able to click in their resources or if they don’t get the support they need and whatever it is that meets thei...

Magnitude EARTHQUAKE During Livestream!

and live going live we are live what is going on guys we give everybody a couple of minutes to log in I am here chillin it is Friday night see how many peeps we have on here right now looks like one person is logging in we'll spend some time surprise surprise surprise it's a holiday weekend yeah one person in here right now somebody is watching Emma thanks so much for jumping on welcome welcome welcome we're gonna be hanging out for just a little bit tonight it's a holiday weekend I figured you guys are trying to recover from fourth of July I know I am right now goody two-shoes Jane great to see you thanks for jumping on Michael Domeier as well what to do what to do happy post fourth of July I don't know about you guys but I'm trying to recover right now so we're gonna be hanging for a little bit here tonight spend some time but I say hello and login taking a break from a few editing things Sarah star blogs and reviews thanks so much for jumping on great ...